Home >  Pedestals  >  Key Largo

“Chris, Just to let you know the pedestals have been received.  They are in place and look great.  Everyone is very pleased with them.  Great job!!

Thank you,  Exxon Mobil Global Services

Pair of Custom Key Largo Pedestals with beautiful black pearl marble faux and under-lighting for the display of glass sculptures of an Exxon tiger and a Mobil Pegasus.


“We received our pedestal on Tuesday and we love it!  Thank you very much.  It looks like a lot of time and hard work was put into creating the pedestal and it looks amazing!”  

M. Risser

Key Largo Pedestal with underlighting and finished with a wonderful Suna Marble faux by Berinje’

“Thanks for the Pedestal and the great packing job.  It looks great and is perfect in size!”

Best regards, M. Harris, M.D.

Custom Key Largo Pedestal painted black satin, 24″L x 11.5″D x 36″H

Display Pedestals


“Hi Chris,

We just love the pedestal. Great Job!  Here are a couple of photos!

Thanks from Corina & Jim

Beautiful work!”

Underlit manually rotating top with black pearl marble faux by Berinje’ to display a Wyland bronze and acrylic Orca sculpture.

Lucite Art Pedestals

Elegant subdued Suna Marble Faux on a custom Key Largo Pedestal