Paula, Our dream to create a Veterans Mall in Ludington along the shore of Lake Michigan began with you. Our family searched for months to find a most worthy tribute to all veterans. A Google search produced an image of the “Ascent of Heroism” and sent goose bumps up my spine.

A year later our dream has become a reality with not one Paula Slater sculpture but two. Seeing your Ascent of Heroism in person will move one’s very soul, there is so much to see and every veteran and family member who looks at it will deeply connect. The centerpiece of the Mall is your larger than life bust of William Charette who’s very likeness has been so expertly captured. But upon looking into his eyes, his very spirit is in there too. He will now forever gaze towards the waters of Lake Michigan.

Paula you are not only a Modern Master, you are humble, unselfish, and extremely caring. Your time spent being interviewed by our newspaper and your evening at our Art Center was so appreciated, but the gift of your talent made our Veterans Mall so much more than our committee ever dreamed. You and Chris are always welcome, and we will leave the light on for you at the cabin. Forever Grateful,