Paula B. Slater, M.A.
Paula Slater Sculpture
Slater’s important sculptural works are viewed by millions of people each year. She has been a full-time Professional Sculptor for the past thirty years and is internationally recognized for her many Public Bronze Monuments and Memorials, Monumental and Life Size Bronze Portrait Sculptures, as well as, dozens of Life Size and 1.5 times Life Size Bronze Portrait Busts of Presidents, politicians, military heroes, leaders of industry. celebrities and persons from all walks of life. Two of Slater’s Bronze Sculptures have been designated State Landmark Monuments and she also was awarded the great honor of sculpting the many monumental bronze sculptures that make up a huge U.S. National Monument.
Believing in the old world ideal of ‘nothing rushed or left undone’, Slater gives the time needed to bring each exquisite detail to life. This generous giving of time is rare in the art world today, setting her sumptuous sculptures apart and elevating the demand for her fine art ever higher.
Slater’s bronze sculptures and monuments have been featured in numerous national magazines including, Art Business News and Art World News, Sculpture Journal, Art & Antiques, California Home Design, Gentry, Garden Design, Luxury Pools and Spas, Blink Art Resource Catalogue and The Guild Sourcebooks of Architectural and Interior Art. Also, her important Monuments and Memorials have been featured in many dozens of newspaper articles and news reports on Radio Free Europe, Canada Free Press, ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN’s nightly News and BBC.
The following is a listing of Public and Private Commissions beginning with Slater’s most recent Commissioned projects:
Slater recently completed sculpting the 1.5 Times Life Size Bronze Portrait Bust of the Past Secretary of the United National, General U-Thant. This beautifully detailed bronze Portrait was just installed in a place of honor upon a solid granite pedestal at the Florida International University (FIU) in Miami, Florida. The Dedication date is being planned for September or October 2022
Bronze Portrait Bust of Charles Albert Adams. Charles Adams was a San Francisco attorney, who was elected Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of California Masons in 1920. Concerned about the crisis in California’s education system following the first world war, he founded Public Schools week to promote masonic support for education. A successful initiative which has resulted in over $30 million contributed by California masons to public education. Next year marks the 100th anniversary of Public Schools week, and the fraternity wished to commemorate Mr. Adams with a bronze portrait bust. The life size bust will accompany Grand Lodge officers to school celebrations and then will permanently reside in the California Masonic Memorial Temple in San Francisco. The portrait was completed in February, 2020
Bronze Portrait Bust of George Draper. Draper received his Star on the Surfing Walk of Fame in 2012. He is an institution in Huntington Beach and a ‘local hero’. Draper is also known as the Mayor of Main Street. He earned these titles as the owner of the legendary George’s Surf Center located at 121 Main Street, Huntington Beach, California from 1967 to 1993. The life size portrait bust was completed in bronze in 2019.
Life Size Bronze Portrait Bust of Jozif Ghandi, who was a young medical student in Germany. He was a handsome young man adored by family, friends and colleagues. The portrait was completed in bronze in 2019 and was shipped to Germany for installation at his gravesite
Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum commission (“Apollo in the Park”) for the creation of 15 life size full figure highly detailed and painted replica statues of Neil Armstrong’s Apollo 11 spacesuit that he wore when he took man’s first steps on the Moon. These 15 roto-cast resin spacesuits statues are installed upon 8” high engraved granite bases at 15 Major League Baseball Parks across the nation to celebrate the 50th year Anniversary of the Moon landing. Each Ballpark planned an event in July 2019. After the baseball season all 15 statues were shipped to affiliate museums including one shipped to NASA, the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum, one in a museum in Austria and another one on tour throughout Europe.
1.25 Times Life Size Full-Figure Bronze Portrait of (18th U.S. President and General) Ulysses S. Grant for United States Military Academy at West Point (7-1/2’ High plus 4-1/2’ High Ornate Granite Base, Overall Height 12’). The finished bronze was installed on the Parade Field at the Academy at West Point, West Point, New York. The dedication was held on April 25th, 2019.
Bronze Portrait Bust of Judge Leroy Contie. Judge Contie served thirty years as a federal judge; appointed to the U.S. District Court in 1971 and appointed by President Reagan to the United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit in 1982, becoming the Senior Judge from 1986 to 2001. This life size bronze Portrait bust was Dedicated on April 23rd, 2019.
Bronze Portrait Bust of Former Canton Mayor Stanley Cmich for installation in a newly designed Central Plaza in downtown Canton, Ohio. Cmich was the longest serving Mayor of Canton–serving for 20 years, from 1964 to 1983. The unveiling and Dedicated of the life size portrait bust was held on April 23rd, 2019.
Two Life Size Bronze Portrait Busts of Javon Bea, who is a Healthcare Hospital CEO. Each of these two busts were installed upon custom solid granite pedestals at the two entrances to a new Hospital. The unveiling and dedication was held in February 2019.
1.25 Times Life Full-Figure Historical Bronze Portrait of Don Salvio Pacheco, founder of the City of Concord, California (7’ High plus 3’ High Granite Base, Overall Height 10’). Pacheco received a land grant of 17,921 acres in 1827 (which today make up the City of Concord and part of Pleasant Hill). He was a very generous man and by his death in 1876 he had given away all but 425 acres. The clay portrait has been completed, molded and is going through the bronze casting process. The bronze portrait was installed upon a solid granite base at the Todos Santos Plaza in downtown and was unveiled July 4th, 2018
Portrait Bust of Sarah Yarmand a lovely Actress who starred in the short movie “Untold” that was accepted at the 2017 Cannes Film Festival. Sarah is also a medical doctor and a gifted Persian poet. The life size portrait bust was completed in bronze December 2019, custom crated and shipped to Australia.
Bronze Portrait Bust of Bertrand Russell, ‘3rd Earl Russell’, famous British philosopher, logician, mathematician, historian, political activist and Nobel Laureate. This highly detailed life size portrait was commissioned by an avid art collector and humanitarian.
Bronze Portrait Bust of award winning, internationally renowned intellectual, linguist, philosopher and political activist, Dr. Noam Chomsky, professor at M.I.T. The life size bronze portrait was unveiled after an interview of Chomsky by Toni Massaro at an event at the University of Arizona and at the screening of a film about Chomsky at The Loft Cinema in Tucson on July 10th, 2017.
1.5 Times Life Size Bronze Portrait bust of Korean War Metal of Honor Recipient, William Charette. Slater’s clients also ordered a second bronze casting of the 6.5 ft high Ascent of Heroism—both bronzes are installed on granite pedestals in a beautifully designed Veterans Circle and Sculpture Walk in Ludington, MI. Dedication June 25th, 2017.
Slater’s Monumental Bronze Sculpture is a 1.5 life size ornately costumed woman Hmong Priestess sitting in an elaborately designed 8-1/2 foot high throne (constructed by Slater’s husband, master woodworker and mold maker Chris Slater). On the front of the throne is beautiful relief detail of vines sculpted by Paula seemingly growing on the armrests and backrest. The Priestess will be seated with her feet in a large bronze bowl partially filled with water, a tradition in keeping with the Laotian high mountain religion. The completed sculpture will be given a golden patina and installed in a temple to be built in Yuba County, California. An unveiling date for this monument has not yet been set.
General Vang Pao Bronze Monument was unveiled in Stockton, California on March 28th, 2016. This commissioned Monumental Bronze Sculpture is a 10 foot high 1.5 life size full-figure portrait of GVP along with three 52” high by 44” wide Bronze Relief Panels attached installed upon a 6 foot high Granite Base. The Bronze panels have highly detailed portrait relief sculpture and verbiage explaining critically important events in GVP’s life and the people of Laos. The panels were produced in a manner never before attempted by Slater or the Foundry, both of which have many decades of experience, but are now considered the best method to accomplish sculptural relief bronze panels with wording. Many thanks to Slater’s husband Chris, her personal mold maker, for his innovative techniques in helping to develop this new method.
‘U.S. National Monument: U.S. Military Working Dog Teams National Monument’, with 9.5 foot high 1.5 life size Military Dog Handler/Soldier in full combat uniform with side arm and military rifle with scope, handling four 1.5 life size bronze dog breeds used in the different wars since WWII. A German Shephard, Doberman Pinscher, Labrador Retriever and Belgian Malinois. This monument is located at Lackland Air force Base, San Antonio, Texas. Part of the project is the extensive use of granite, with a massive polished granite base to support the five bronze figures. This commissioned National Monument was years in the making as it needed approval by the U.S. Congress, the U.S. Senate and then needed to be signed into law by President George W. Bush and amended by President Barrack Obama. The Monument was unveiled on October 28th, 2013 before huge audience, including current Military Generals and other high ranking Military service members, as well as, current and retired dog handlers.
‘Not Forgotten Fountain’ is 1.3 times life size full figure highly detailed Bronze Sculpture of a Vietnam Era Dog Handler Soldier offering water in his helmet to his Military trained German Shepherd. The water flowing into the helmet recirculates by way of a hidden pump in the Sculpture, accessible via a small bronze removable plate. This working Bronze Fountain was installed on a Granite Base. Also located at the Lackland Air force Base in San Antonio, Texas and unveiled on 10/28/2013. This Sculpture brought a lot of emotion to Dog Handlers from the Vietnam War who were forced to leave their military Dogs on the Tarmac in South Vietnam because of the speed of the withdrawal, but also helped bring some closure to these soldiers.
‘Dr. Hildabrando Perico’ Bust. A 1.5 x life size Bronze Portrait of the Founder of Universidad EAN, in Bogota, Columbia, South America. This beautiful Bronze Bust was unveiled in the New Library of their University in 2014.
‘Archbishop Claude Marie Dubuis’ Bust. A life size Bronze Portrait of the Archbishop in his younger days as a priest in Galveston, Texas from 1862-1892. Paula was Commissioned to Sculpt this Bust by the Roman Catholic Diocese in France. So far five castings have been produced for installation in several hospitals in France and in the U.S. named after Dubuis. Many were dedicated in 2014. The Dubuis Bronze Bust received a prestigious award by The Portrait Society of America. (As in this case, clients are not restricted to one casting once the mold is made but request multiple castings or subsequent castings at a later date.)
‘General Giulio Cesare Graziani’, a Life Size full figure Portrait of an Italian Air Force Pilot who late in the war cooperated with the U.S. Air Force during WWII. Graziani was a highly decorated war hero who rose through the ranks to become a General of the Italian Air Force. This Sculpture was unveiled to the public at the Italian Air Force Museum in Rome, Italy in 2014.
‘Edward de Vere’, the 17th Earl of Oxford is a Life Size highly detailed Bronze Portrait Bust. The exquisite detail of the unique clothing of this time period was beautifully captured by Slater’s amazing talent for sculpting ornate detail. This Earl is considered by many to be the person who actually wrote all the plays attributed to Shakespeare, but did so through another person, a commoner by the name of William Shakespeare who could not even write his own name. This was done, because in that time period in England it was not acceptable for an Earl to write plays, especially ones critical of the royal court. The movie, ‘Anonymous’ (2011) captures this story and depicts the relationship between these two men.
The de Vere Bust received a prestigious award by The Portrait Society of America. Also, a photo of the Bust was used on the cover of a book about de Vere, and photos of the bust were used on three private ‘Earl 17’ wine labels (2010, 2011, and 2013 Mount Veeder Cabernet Sauvignons).
‘Henry Taub Portrait Bust’, a Life Size Bust. The late Mr. Taub was the CEO and Company Founder of ADP, Inc. Installation at ADP Corporate Headquarters in Roseland, New Jersey took place in March 2012.
‘Del Hilliard’ Bronze Portrait, a Life Size Full-Figure Bronze Portrait. There were two castings produced; Installed at Hooks Minor League Baseball Stadium in Corpus Christie, Texas at a dedication in 2012 and for the Hilliard Family estate in 2011.
‘James Jimmerson Esq.’ (attorney) Bronze Portrait Bust unveiled on April 8th, 2011 in Las Vegas, Nevada. The famous Wayne Newton was the Master of Ceremonies for this large and extravagant unveiling event to honor Mr. Jimmerson.
‘Steven Stayner and Missing Children’s Memorial’, Life Size Full-Figure Bronze Portraits of Steven Stayner and Timothy White as they walk hand in hand to safety. These beautifully poignant bronzes were installed in Applegate Park, Merced, Calfornia and unveiled in 2010 with several hundred people in attendance, including national media coverage. This was an important dedication event that helped bring closure to the community but also raised awareness of the cause of missing children.
‘Reverand Arthur Ginart’, also known as ‘Father Red’, Life Size Bronze Portrait Bust. Neither the Reverand nor his church, St. Nicholas of Myra survived Hurricane Katrina. At 64 he was very protective of the church, refusing to leave during the great storm. The Bronze Bust was dedicated in 2010 and holds a place of honor in the rebuilt church.
‘Frank Kiang’ Bronze Portrait Bust. Kiang was very generous philanthropist and Founder of the Metropolitan Bank, he also served as President of the Oakland Port Commission. This Bronze Bust was unveiled at the new Asian Health Services Center in Oakland, California in 2010.
‘In Sacred Union’, is a Kentucky State Landmark 10 foot high Full-Figure Bronze Portrait of Abraham Lincoln. This monumental Sculpture was installed upon a 6 foot high Granite Base in front of the new Washington County Courthouse in Springfield, Kentucky. At the dedication in 2009, Slater was a keynote speaker to an audience of over 1,000 people who gathered on a beautiful Spring day to pay homage to one of the greatest President’s in the history of our great country. This incredibly beautiful sculptural achievement by Slater was later declared a Kentucky State Landmark and is part of the Lincoln Heritage Trail and Civil War Heritage Trail.
‘The Ascent of Heroism’, a 6-1/2 foot tall High and Low Relief Bronze of Seven Military figures from Seven different American fought wars, five of the seven figures are actual portraits of veterans interred at the Grandview Veterans Circle in Altoona, Pennsylvania. This magnificent Bronze Sculpture installed upon a 5 foot high granite base was unveiled on Veterans Day 2009 to hundreds of military personnel in full regalia, with military band, a three gun salute, and a rider less horse, as well as an audience of hundreds. This was a moving tribute to the men and women who have served in the US Military and to those who have given their lives to protect our independence.
‘Steady’ Ed Headrick, Life Size Bronze Portrait Bust of the founder of the Frisbee and inventor and founder of Disc Golf. On May 29th, 2009 the bronze bust was unveiled by Farina Headrick to thunderous applause at the Headrick Memorial Museum in Georgia.
‘Dr. James M. Slater’, Life Size Bronze Portrait Bust(no relation). Dr. Slater pioneered the groundbreaking use of Proton Therapy for the treatment of brain, lung and prostate cancers. The bronze bust was installed at the Loma Linda University Medical Center, Loma Linda, Calfornia, 2008.
‘The Man & Woman of the Century’, Life Size Bronze Portait Busts of Marilyn Boyette and Frank G. Bonnelli for the Huntington Park City Hall in California, 2008.
‘Steady’ Ed Headrick, Life Size Bronze Portrait Bust of the founder of the Frisbee and inventor and founder of Disc Golf. On May 29th, 2009 the bronze bust was unveiled by Farina Headrick to thunderous applause at the Headrick Memorial Museum in Georgia.
‘Dr. James M. Slater’, Life Size Bronze Portrait Bust(no relation). Dr. Slater pioneered the groundbreaking use of Proton Therapy for the treatment of brain, lung and prostate cancers. The bronze bust was installed at the Loma Linda University Medical Center, Loma Linda, Calfornia, 2008.
‘Congressman Ruben Hinojosa’, a Life Size Bronze Portrait Bust for the University of Texas Pan-American in Edinburg,Texas unveiled on September 25, 2007. Majority Leader of the U.S. House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi was a keynote speaker at the dedication, as an audience of hundreds applauded the unveiling event.
‘Port Huron Mining Memorial’, a Michigan State Landmark. This Life Size Full-Figure Bronze Miner was installed upon a 5 foot high sold Granite Base in Fort Gratiot County Park, Port Huron, Michigan on August 8th, 2007 before two thousand people including many of the relatives of the lost souls in the 1971 Water Tunnel Disaster. Emotions ran high, but also many spoke in their speeches about this Memorial Sculpture helping to bring closure to still grieving family members.
‘Elmer Hemphill’, a Life Size Bronze Portrait Bust of the Founder of Hemphill Corporation in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Dedication for this beautiful Portrait Bust took place on September 8th, 2007.
‘Risen Christ’, ‘Come Unto Me”, a 6-1/2 foot high Full-Figure Bronze for the Orlando Memorial Prayer Gardens, in Orlando, Florida. The dedication of this inspiring Bronze Sculpture occurred just after early morning mass on September 11th, 2006 to a prayerful gathering of about 2,000 church members as well as the Slater and her husband.
‘Albert Hale Atwood’, Life Size Bronze Bust of the Co-Founder of the Southern California Contractors Association. Dedicated on June 5th, 2006.
‘Lincoln (Link) Piazzo’, a WWII Air Force Pilot Captain of the Flying Fortress Bombers and philanthropist. A Life Size Full-Figured 6 foot tall Bronze which was dedicated in Reno, Nevada in February 2006. One cause to which he gave generously, was the establishment of a new Nevada Humane Center. The Bronze is located in the entry area of this new building in Reno, Nevada.
‘Mrs. Englehart & Daughter’, Life Size Full-Figured Portraits in a private garden in Cary, North Carolina. Dedicated in September 2005.
‘Congressman William Thomas’, a Life Size Bronze Portrait Bust permanently located in the William Thomas Airport Terminal in Bakersfield, California. Dedicated in February 2005.
‘George Bergeron’, a Life Size Full-Figure Bronze Portrait in his scooter, Dedicated in 2004 at the George Bergeron Healing Gardens, Windsor, Canada.
‘Faeries in Waiting’, a Monumental 8-1/2 foot high Bronze and 2 half life size figures of the same sculpture on private display in Teluride, Colorado. This is a magnificently sculpted fantasy piece by Slater that captures the imagination with its exquisite aesthetic beauty.
‘Senator Allen Cranston’, a one and a half Life Size Portrait Bronze Bust. Dedication and unveiling at the California State Capitol in Sacramento, California when it is completed in bronze.
‘Kelly Vaughn’, a Life Size Bronze Portrait Bust of a child model. On private display in Sonoma, California. Dedicated in 2002.
‘Patrick Collins’ life size Bronze Portrait Bust of entrepreneur and philanthropist, on private display in Merced, California.
‘Life is a Journey’, Life Size Full-Figure Bronze Portraits of a Grandfather and his Grandson for an exclusive private residence built by Desert Dreams Inc., Fountain Hills, Arizona, installed in June 2000.
Slater was named as a top three finalist for the Santa Monica Police and Fire Monument and a top five finalist for the 1.25 times life size full-figure bronze portrait sculpture of John Purdue for Purdue University. Also in 2012, the sculpture team of Paula Slater in partnership with Site Designer, Brad Bourgoyne, were named as one of two finalists for the million dollar Purdue University Solar System Sculptural Project. They were also named as one of the top three finalists for the half million dollar Toledo Ohio Fire Fighters Memorial. In 2010, Paula was one of eight celebrated sculptors short listed to submit proposals for the half million dollar, one and half times life size full-figure President Ronald Reagan bronze sculpture project, for installation at the Ronald Reagan National Airport in Washington, D.C.
Slater majored in fine art at California State University Fullerton, receiving a Bachelor of Arts Degree. She earned a Master of Arts Degree from John F. Kennedy University. Slater is a member of the National Sculpture Society, The National Museum of Women in the Arts, and The Portrait Society of America.
Prior to the year 2000, Paula sculpted over 200 commissions for numerous prominent Companies encompassing a wide range portraits and other sculptural projects.
Slater’s Limited Edition Sculptures have been displayed in Fine Art Galleries Across the United States and Grace Prestigious Private Collections and Public Places throughout the United States, Canada and Europe.
Click here to read Slater’s Curriculum Vitae and listing of Public and Private Commissions.