Reverand Arthur Ginart Bronze Bust, St. Nicholas of Myra Church on Lake Catherine, New Orleans
“Dear Paula, Mike has reviewed the pictures of the portrait of Uncle Red and said it looks great! Please proceed with the molds. Thanks,”~ Wendy Cuccia
For Michael Ginart
“Paula, we received the bronze portrait of my uncle and everyone in the family is very pleased. Until we can install it in the new church it will grace the mantel in our home. Thank you for your good work.”~ Mike Ginart
Nephew of Reverend Ginart
Mike Ginart commissioned Slater to sculpt a life size memorial bronze portrait bust of his uncle Reverend Ginart, also known as Father Red. Father Arthur ‘Red’ Ginart had been a Pastor of St. Nicholas of Myra Church on Lake Catherine, New Orleans for 29 years. Neither Ginart nor his church survived Hurricane Katrina.
Father Red, age 64, was very protective of his church and refused to leave it during the storm. The bronze portrait bust now sits in the left side altar of the newly rebuilt church. It is clothed in a stole Father Red wore that was found on site after the storm.
Archbishop Aymond welcomed back and blessed standing-room-only crowd at St. Nicholas. He called the day an important and historic day in the life of this parish to celebrate and to lovingly remember their former pastor, Father Red, who “gave his life and literally lost his life caring for this flock” by staying inside the church in August 2005 during the “unwelcomed guest called Katrina that came and wouldn’t leave.”