United Nations Secretary-General U-Thant Bronze Portrait Bust Sculpture
Hi Paula,
"Wow, the bust looks awesome! I never knew how the patina was done."
Thank you,~ Fernando Larios
Construction Project Manager
Florida International University, Miami
Patrick Meagherwrote:
"Beautiful work. Thank you for sharing!"
Pat~ Patrick Meagher
Director of Facilities
Florida International University, Miami
"'Thank you, Paula! This is great! President Rosenberg is very happy with the bust. We are good to move forward. "
Valeria Espina Stevenson, ’13, MAcc ‘14
Assistant Vice President, Strategic Initiatives and Projects
Office of the President~ Valeria Espina
Assistant Vice President, Strategic Initiatives and Projects
Florida International University, Miami
Florida International University
Miami, Florida
Miami, Florida
1.5 Times Life Size
Year Completed:
United Nations Secretary-General U-Thant Bronze Portrait Bust is a 1.5 times life size bust which was molded and cast in museum quality bronze. Slater was chosen to sculpt this portrait by the Florida International University in Miami. When it is completed in bronze it will be installed in a courtyard being created for its prominent display upon a beautiful solid granite pedestal with a bronze plaque on each side telling the fascinating story of Maha U-Thant’s life.
U-Thant is credited with having “facilitated negotiations between U.S. President John F. Kennedy and Soviet premier Nikita Khrushchey during the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962, helping to avert a global catastrophe.” “It was his actions that prevented the Cuban Missile Crisis from escalating. This crisis was an intense thirteen-day military confrontation between the United States and the Soviet Union. The installation of Soviet nuclear missiles in Fidel Castro’s Cuba pitted the two superpowers against each other in the USA’s backyard. Fortunately, U Thant emerged as the mediator who de-escalated the crisis from the brink of nuclear destruction.
“For his role in defusing the Cuban crisis and other peacekeeping efforts, the Norwegian Permanent Representative of the United Nations informed U-Thant that he would be awarded the 1965 Nobel Peace Prize. He humbly replied, “Is not the Secretary-General merely doing his job when he works for peace?” (wikipedia) (U-Thant’s Preventive Diplomacy during the Cuban Missile Crisis by Cho Zin Than)